Warm Up:
20-30 seconds each, each side (if applicable)
2 rounds
HIP FLEXOR STRETCH: Up and down with back knee.
HIGH LUNGE TWIST: HOLD LAST REP of hip flexor stretch and twist
Jumping Jacks
Body Weight Squats
Low PLank
Explosive elevated lunges (superset with decline push-ups, below)
Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Lower into your lunge, single count, full stretch, then push up fast to hop.
If you can’t get off the floor, don’t worry - try to push up fast without losing full extension at the top.
For advanced: add weight
For balancing assistance: Hold on to the back of a chair.
Decline push-ups (superset with explosive elevated lunges, above)
Reps: 8 -12 total / Sets: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Be careful; start with a slight foot elevation to test your strength.
For assistance: elevate your knees on a few pillows or books, rather than your feet.
As always, engage your core!
For more general push-up tips, check out Week 1 and Week 2 Workout A.
Conditioning & Core:
Mountain climbers - TABATA
20 s work
10 s rest
x 8
Sit-ups - TABATA
20 s work
10 s rest
x 8
Burpees - TABATA
20 s work
10 s rest
x 8
Pistol squats (superset with front lat reach, below)
Reps: 6 - 8 each side / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Hold onto your elevated foot, and reach your other arm in front - this will help.
No happening? Place a chair (or any object) behind you for a higher measure.
To easy? Let go of your foot. Holding weights is optional.
As always, your heel should stay in contact with the floor throughout the repetitions.
Front lat reach (superset with pistol squats, below)
Reps: 6-8 each side / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Try to maintain the reaching arm straight throughout the repetitions.
The goal is to maximize the load on your reaching arm lat muscle. Try to use this arm as much as possible to “pull” up.
The “push-up” arm is there to assist.
Engage your core.
Avoid laying down completely; your weight should be distributed between 1. your knees, 2. your palms.
Too easy? A thinner towel will make this more challenging.
Conditioning & Core
10 x step back kick up - Left
10 x step back toe touch - Right
25 x jumping jacks into squat (alternating)
5 x plank triangles each side, with gliders (or socks)
x 4 rounds
**For a video example, check our Instagram HERE
Step back kick up: lunge back, and kick up as you stand.
Jumping jacks into squats: Jumping jacks alternating with a hop into a squat, touching the floor.
Plank triangles: kick your leg to the side, as far as possible, and then under to the other side, and then back to the starting position.
Explosive Curtsy Lunges (superset with plank side tuck, below )
Reps: 8-12 / Sets: 3-4 / Weight: optional
This week, we jump.
For an additional challenge, apply last week’s curtsy lunge technique (only knee touches the floor).
Remember to keep your shoulders and hips facing forward.
A slight lean forward as you lunge back is recommended to maximize the glute stretch, resulting is a more powerful jump.
For more general tip, check out Week 1 Workout C HERE
Plank Side Tuck (superset with explosive curtsy lunge, above)
Reps: 8-10 each side / Sets: 3-4
Keep the repetitions on the same side if you’re new to this exercise.
If you’re comfortable with your shoulder and core stability, alternate sides.
For addition stability, perform on your elbows.
Conditioning & Core
5 x Jump squats
10 x Leg raises
10 x Jump squats
10 x Leg raises
15 Jump squats
10 x Leg raises
20 Jump squats
15 x Jump squats
10 x Leg raises
10 x Jump squats
10 x Leg raises
5 Jump squats