Warm Up:

  • 10-12 repetitions each, each side (if applicable)

  • Repeat if necessary

Cat / Camel

Upward dog to Downward dog



Standing rotations

Wall angels


Superset: thruster & handstand progressions


Single leg glute bridges (superset with inch worms)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

While pushing down on the ground, try to distribute your weight equally throughout the foot. (not just your toes or just your heels).

Engage your glutes and hamstrings as you lift, keeping the hips aligned with each other.

It’s very tempting to arch your back in order to get more height: avoid this by engaging your core, glutes to maintain a neutral spine.

For an additional challenge, place weight on your hips.

Inch worms (superset with single let glute bridge)

Reps: 8 -12 total / Sets: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

The goal of this exercise is to get you comfortable with being upside down, holding your body weight. Try to achieve this by getting your hips as heigh as possible, and forward on top of your head. Carefully, of course :)

You can either go from picture 1 to picture 3 and back to the position in picture 1, or walk up to your hands from the high plank (which will make you move forward in each rep).

As always, engage your core!


Tabata Core:

  • 20 s work

  • 10 s rest

  • x 8


Flutter kicks

Toe touches: keep legs up

Plank with side taps


Superset: single leg deadlift & v-sit progressions


Single leg deadlift (superset with v-sit)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

Start with your knees aligned, one foot flat on the wall behind you.

While pushing your hips back into your hinge, ensure that your knees stay alignment with each other.

Engage your glutes and core, keeping that neutral spine.

Want more challenge? Hold weight.

V-sit (superset with single leg deadlift)

Reps: 20-30 seconds / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

Open the chest by keeping the shoulder down and back. No slouching allowed.

Engage your glutes; this will help.

Heels are on the floor for this week’s v-sit.

Remember to breathe :)



  • 2 burpees

  • 30 seconds skipping

  • 4 burpees

  • 30 seconds skipping

  • 6 burpees

  • 30 seconds skipping

  • 8 burpees

  • 30 seconds skipping

  • keep adding 2 more burpees

How far can you get in 10 minutes?


Skipping with an invisible rope


Superset: lunge & dip progressions


FRONT LUNGE (superset with tricep dip)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

As pictured, keep the front foot flat on the ground

For more assistance with balance, keep the staggered stance between repetitions

For more advanced, start with feet together, step forward into your lunge, and push back to have your feet together again.

Want more challenge? Hold weight.

TRICEP DIP (superset with FRONT LUNGE)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

Try to keep your back close to the chair or couch that you’re using for the exercise.

Only lower to accommodate your shoulder’s comfortable range of motion (you should not feel pain in the shoulder joint)

Your feet are flat on the ground in order to assist with your legs if necessary.


Conditioning & Core

  • Sumo burpees x 45 seconds

  • Rest 15 seconds

  • Plank tuck & twist x 5 each side

  • Rest 15 seconds

Repeat 5 times