Warm Up:

  • 10-12 repetitions each, each side (if applicable)

  • Repeat if necessary









Superset: thruster & handstand progressions


Chair Thrusters (superset with elevated inch worms)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

While pushing down on the ground, try to distribute your weight equally throughout both feet. (not just your toes or just your heels).

Engage your glutes and hamstrings as you lift, keeping the hips aligned with each other.

It’s very tempting to arch your back in order to get more height: avoid this by engaging your core, glutes to maintain a neutral spine.

For an additional challenge, place weight on your hips.

elevated Inch worms (superset with chair thrusters)

Reps: 8 -12 total / Sets: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

The goal of this exercise is to get you comfortable with being upside down, holding your body weight. Try to achieve this by getting your hips as heigh as possible, and forward on top of your head.

Please be careful, and chose an elevation object that is stable.

As always, engage your core!



  • Walking lunges to first cone / Run back

  • Pivot squats to second cone / Run back

  • Jump squats to third cone / Run back

  • Dash to third cone / Run back

  • Rest for 1 minute

  • Repeat 5 times

Walking Lunges to first cone

Pivot Squats to second cone

Jump squats to third cone

Dash to third cone

WORKOUT B: Coming soon

Superset: single leg deadlift & v-sit progressions


Single leg deadlift (superset with v-sit twist)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

Start with your knees aligned, one foot with toes on the couch or chair behind you. Try a few reps from this position.

If your balance is good, and your back hip fexor is flexible enough, try this exercise further away from your balancing tool (the couch or chair), as displayed in the photo.

Come all the way up between each repetition, feeling the stretch in the back hip flexor.

Want more challenge? Hold weight.

V-sit Twist (superset with single leg deadlift)

Reps: 20-30 seconds / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

The set up: Open the chest by keeping the shoulder down and back. No slouching allowed.

When twisting, focus on the rotation of the torso in relation to the hips, which are locked in place by virtue of being seated.

Avoid reaching the arm behind you more than the torso rotation allows you.

This can be done with light weight in each hand; but be cautious and slow down in the first few repetitions to ensure that your core can handle it.



  • 15 sec of each tap ups, tap downs, wall sit

  • 30 sec of each tap ups, tap downs, wall sit

  • 45 sec of each tap ups, tap downs, wall sit

  • 60 sec of each tap ups, tap downs, wall sit

  • x 2

Tap up / hops

Tap down / hop

Wall Sit


Superset: lunge & dip progressions


reverse LUNGE (superset with straight leg tricep dip)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

As pictured, keep the front foot flat on the ground

Lunge back, trying to keep most of your weight shifted to your front leg.

For more advanced, hold some weight.

Tip: perform a few repetitions in the mirror and look at your back knee: is it straight?

straight leg TRICEP DIP (superset with FRONT LUNGE)

Reps: 8 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4

Tips & details:

Try to keep your back close to the chair or couch that you’re using for the exercise. Your shoulder joints will appreciate it.

Like last week, Only lower to accommodate your shoulder’s comfortable range of motion (you should not feel pain in the shoulder joint)

If you need assistance, flatten Your feet on the ground in order to assist with your legs if necessary, like last week.


Conditioning & Core

  • High knees 30 seconds + 10 jumping jacks

  • High knees 30 seconds + 10 sit-ups

  • High knees 30 seconds + 20 jumping jacks

  • High knees 30 seconds + 20 sit-ups

  • Keep adding 10 reps to the jumping jacks and sit-ups, up to 50 of each.