WEEK 6: November 23 - November 29 2020
Video: HERE
3 rounds
1 min Spin
5 Inch worms with pushup
10 steps banded lateral shuffle
10 Lunge and Twist
Quad Roll 1 min/side
Front Rack Fixer 1 minute
Banded Lat Stretch 1 min/side
1. Chest Supported Barbell Rows
5 x 8 E2M
*aim to build on nov 162. Thrusters
5 x 8 E2M
building up
3 rounds
500m Row
21 American KB Swings
12 Jumping Pull-ups
WEEK 5: November 16 - November 22
Video: HERE
3 rounds
1 min Spin
5 Inch worms with pushup
10 steps banded lateral shuffle
10 Lunge and Twist
Quad Roll
Front Rack Fixer
Banded Lat Stretch
1.Front Squat to target
5 x 5 E90s2.Push Press
5 x 5 E90s3. Pull-up
5 x 5 E90s
Accumulate 50 calories on the Airdyne
starting at 0:00 and E2M (2,4,6, ETC.)Perform: 10 Push-ups
20 Russian Twists
Max Airdyne cals in remaining time
WEEK 4: November 9 - November 15 2020
Video: HERE
3 rounds
1 min Spin
5 Inch worms with pushup
10 steps banded lateral shuffle
10 Lunge and Twist
Quadriped T Spine rotation x 15/side
Foearm Rolls x 30 second/side & wrist stretch x 30 sec/side
Bicep wall stretch x 10 slow ear to shoulder & 10 pivots/side
Bench Press E90s
5 x 5
Bent Over Barbell Row E90s
5 x 5*perform 2-3 warmup sets with the empty bar and with lighter weights
before starting your working sets - each of the 5 sets should be tough
(aim to build from last week)
50-40-30-20-10KB swings
(round 1 is 100 skips, 50 KBs, 25 thrusters. Round 2 is 80,40,20. Round 3 is 60,30,15 etc.)
WEEK 3: November 2 - November 8 2020
Video: HERE
Warm Up: 3 rounds
1 min Spin
10 Dowel Passthrough
15 Air Squats
20 Glute March
Barbell Trap Smash
Lax Ball Ham smash
Internal Shoulder rotation
1 minute/side per exercise x 1-2 rounds
Bench Press E90s
5 x 5Bent Over Barbell Row E90s
5 x 5
*perform 2-3 warmup sets with the empty bar and with lighter weights before starting your working sets - each of the 5 sets should be tough
(aim to build from oct 26)
Conditioning: 3 rounds
Calorie Bike
Clean and Jerks (light to moderate) pick a weight that you need to take a break every 5-10 reps when fresh
WEEK 2: October 26 - November 1 2020
Video: HERE
Warm Up: 3 rounds
1 min Spin
10 Dowel Passthrough
15 Air Squats
20 Glute March
KB Pec Smash
Low Back Roll
Forearm Barbell Row
(1 min/side/movement)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
5 x 8
Alt.DB Push Press
5 x 8
*Rest at least 1 minute between exercises
Conditioning: 3 rounds
20 Cal Bike
30 Bicycles (backwards)
40 Skips
WEEK 1: October 19 - October 25 2020
Video: HERE
Warm Up: 3 rounds
1 min Spin
10 Dowel Passthrough
15 Air Squats
20 Glute March
Barbell Quad Roll
Banded AnkleStretch
Banded Seated Hang
(1 min/side/movement)
1. Thrusters
6 x 5 @ 80% of heavy 3 E90s (if no heavy 3, 6 sets at a challenging weight)2. Pullups E90s
6 x 5 (use bands as needed)
*Can also sub in ring rows, but aim to make them tough by moving your feet far under the rings.
Conditioning: 3 rounds
500m Row
21 Heavy KB Deadlifts
12 Box Jumps