Warm Up:
Back to Sun Salutations
Superset: elevated lunge & high plank progressions
Arm reach elevated lunges (superset with High plank swivel)
Reps: 8 - 12 each side / Sets: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Just like week 9, the starting position is on the ground.
Lean forward at the bottom, arms down, and reach arms forward and above as you come up from the lunge.
Too easy? Add weight (careful as you reach away from the body - your back may be surprised). Too hard? Have a chair in fron of you.
High plank swivel (superset with arm reach elevated lunges)
Reps: 6 - 8 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Start in a high plank, feet together.
Carefully (slowly) rotate your body to one side, stacking the feet.
Remember to avoid going fast when transitioning to the other side (or you will fall over)
Conditioning & Core
4 rounds:
Side shuffle into 30 x mountain climbers on each end. Twice.
High leg raises x 10
Side shuffle / Mountain climbers
High leg raises
Superset: side lunge & reverse fly progression
Side lunges with hip rotation (superset with paced Reverse flies)
Reps: 10 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
For the second week of side lunges, Rotate your straight leg so that your toes are pointing up.
Try to lunge low enough to get your thigh parallel to the floor. It may help having a seat behind you, and slightly touch the seat with your glutes.
Want more challenge? Hold weight in your other hand. Need help? Perform the exercises with arms straight out, in front of the kitchen counter for support.
paced Reverse flies (superset with side lunges with hip rotation)
Reps: 10 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Like last week: Starting position: hinge at the hips as though getting into a deadlift. Keep your spine neutral.
Grab some weight (get creative).
Open the chest and squeeze your shoulder blades as you “fly”. On the way down, take 3 counts.
30 seconds of:
Jumping jack
Squat hops
Lunge / kick - Left
Lunge / kick - right
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat 6 times
Jumping jacks
Squat hops
Lunge / kick
Superset: push-up & sumo hip hinge progressions
Ground-up Push-Up (superset with sumo hip hinge)
Reps: 6 - 8 each / Set: 4
Tips & details:
Lay on the floor, hands flat on the ground higher than last week, about cheek or forehead height.
This is a challenging move; your knees may need to stay on the floors.
Engage your abdominals, and avoid “sagging” the hips.
Still Too hard? Perform wih hands on a couch, stairs or anything sturdy object.
Overhead Sumo hip hinge (superset with overhead push-ups)
Reps: 10 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Think sumo deadlifts, again.
On the way up from the hinge, raise the weight above your head..
To protect your back, ensure that your glutes and abdominals are engaged, especially when the weight is held far away.
Start with 12 reps of each, then 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Sit-ups with knees out
Reverse crunches
Crunch side-tap: hold the crunch, swaying side to side to tap ankles.