Warm Up:
3 sets:
Cat / Camel: 12 reps
Scorpion: 6 each side
Kneeling rotations: 10 each side
Cat / Camel
Kneeling rotations
Superset: elevated lunge & high plank progressions
Jumping elevated lunges (superset with side plank tuck)
Reps: 8 - 12 each side / Sets: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Find a stable item to place your back foot, to avoid the object being pushed back as you jump.
Depending on the height of your jmup, you may need to set up your lunge between each repetition.
Try to maximize the explosiveness of your front leg, with the back leg doing the “rest of the work'“,
side plank tuck (superset with jumping elevated lunges)
Reps: 8 - 12 each side / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Your supporting arm should be placed directly under your shoulder joint.
It helps if you can perform this exercise in front of a mirror, to ensure a nice, straight body position.
Conditioning & Core:
Every minute, on the minute:
Burpees x 10 , for 10 minutes
2. Sit-Ups x 15, for 8 minutes
Toe taps: lower
Toe Taps: higher
Superset: side lunge & reverse fly progression
Deep Side lunges (with hip rotation) (superset with paced Overhead Reverse flies)
Reps: 8 - 10 each side / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Finally, let’s get all the way down to your heel (or try). For assistance, hold onto something studry in fron of you, like the doorknob of a closed door.
Notice that the rep range is lower than previous weeks.
Paced Overhead Reverse flies (superset with deep side lunges with hip rotation)
Reps: 10 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
Same notes as last week, except slooooow dowwwn. Hold each position for a few seconds.
Open the chest and squeeze your shoulder blades as you “fly”. Once up there, reach overhead (engage your core!), and then reverse the movement to your starting position.
You will not need to hold anything too heavy in this exercise.
Reps: 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 / 10 of each:
Wall balls or Thrusters, depending on your home equipment and space.
KB swings
Wall balls (or thrusters if wall ball won’t happen at home)
KB Swings (throw some weight in a sturdy bag)
Superset: sumo hip hinge & push-up progressions
Weighted Overhead Sumo hip hinge - paced (superset with glider push-ups)
Reps: 10 - 12 / Set: 3 - 4
Tips & details:
In this final week, there’s pacing involved. Take 3 counts on the way down, and 1 count on the way up.
Remember to push the hips back in order to hinge, and to keep your spine in neutra position. Engage your abdominals.
The object does not need to be heavy: your lower back and shoulder will thank you.
Glider Push-Up (superset with weighted overhead sumo hip hinge)
Reps: 6 - 8 total / Sets: 4
Tips & details:
best performed with a towel on wooden floor, If you’re stuck with carpet, try finding something plastic (a bag?)
We recommend starting on your knees.
To maximize the use of your pecs (that’s the point, righT?), keep your hips aligned with the movement. That is, avoid “sagging” or having them too high.
Hollow rocks: 45 seconds
Tic tocs: 8 each side
x 5
Hollow rocks
Tic Tocs